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Default And the Answer Is - Beet question

margaret suran > wrote in

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote:
>>> "margaret suran" > wrote in message
>>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>>> In article . net>,
>>>>> margaret suran > wrote:
>>>>>> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>>>>>>> Question: To those of you who absolutely hate and abhor beets?
>>>>>>> Does this carry over to red beet eggs as well?
>>>>>>> Inquiring minds want to know.
>>>>>>> -ginny
>>>>>> Ginny, are you saying that Red Beets lay eggs? Red Beet Eggs? I
>>>>>> never ate one, so I cannot answer your question.
>>>>> <lol> I often keep the beet liquid from canned beets to make
>>>>> pickled hard boiled eggs. Makes them a nice pink color.
>>>>> I'm not a beet fan, but dad is. :-)
>>>>> Peace, Om
>>>> Oh, darn, I wanted to see those little eggs and the newly born Red
>>>> Beet Babies.

>>> Margaret!!!! I can see the little teeny tiny evil streak peeping
>>> out! You wanted to order a dozen layers and have them delivered to
>>> Barb didn't you!!!! I can see it now, a box of peeping, chirping
>>> beets left on the doorstep. Barb recoiling in horror, then they
>>> actually start laying beet eggs, in her yard, on the
>>> porch............she sweeps them out with a broom but they keep
>>> popping back up.......One day they are sitting on her canning
>>> supplies with pitiful looks cheeping the 'eat me' 'eat me' chirp
>>> that a spawn from a beet egg peeps. She has enough, and waves her
>>> broom in the air calling you not so nice names.
>>> -ginny

>> You people are sick!

> Ginny, It is done! I ordered two bunches of Red Beets, the best
> Layers available in my market and I will somehow let them loose in
> Barbara's garden. I haven't resolved the logistics involved, but with
> your help, it should be a minor hurdle and we should be able to do it.
> As far as someone calling someone else not so nice names, what makes
> you so sure you are immune to Barbara's ire? For example, I am
> quoting her now: > You people are sick!
> Who do you think she meant? Huh?

If a Heliocopter is involved don't forget parachutes for the beets as it
is a common myth that they can fly, but in reality they can't


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore