Amputarianism: a repost from several years ago
On Jul 2, 6:34?pm, BOBOBOnoBO? > wrote:
> from: Jun 28 2001:
> You've heard of omnivorous
> You've heard of vegetarianism
> You've heard of vegan
> You've heard of fruitarian
> But now, straight from the twisted brain of yours truly, here comes
> Amputarianism. Amputarianism fits in between omnivorousness and
> vegetarianism.
> You can eat meat, but only if the animal is not killed to produce the
> meat. You are allowed to eat animals that have died of natural
> causes, but also parts of animals that have been removed from the
> animal in such a way that it does not cause the death of the animal.
> Example: Chicken wings. Chickens really have no use for wings, since
> they don't fly anyway. An amputarian can enjoy the delicious flavor
> of Buffalo-style wings, guilt-free. Egg laying chickens don't really
> *need* legs either. Heck, they just sit in a cage all day anyway.
> Voila! drumsticks!
> Chickens are not the only animals that can do fine w/o certain body
> parts. Domestic turkeys don't need wings either. Pigs should be able
> to get along fine w/ one peg leg. Can you say "HAM"???? The ears on
> pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. are completely superfluous in an environment
> where there are humans to protect them from predators. Tails too can
> be bobbed to make fine soup bones.
> Believe it or not, liver tissue grows back if a portion of it is
> surgically removed. Mmmmm, liver and onions.
> Amputarianism, remember, you heard it here first.
> --Bryan
I guess witth folks like you we can eat guilt free brains.