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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner last night 1Jul07

"kilikini" > wrote in

> PeterLucas wrote:
>> We'd been out most of the day and had just come back from taking the
>> pooch for a run/play and sharing a bottle of red whilst watching the
>> sunset...... and then visiting a friend on the way back home for a
>> couple more glasses of red.... so dinner was going to be a slap-dash
>> affair.
>> Looked in the fridge, pulled a few ingredients out, some (Musgovian?)
>> Barossa Camembert cheese, pepperoni salami, mushrooms, onions,
>> olives, capsicum........ was just going to do a snack platter but the
>> SO wanted something *hot*....... so I pulled the jalapenos out as
>> well, made some pizza dough and we had pizza and calzones.
>> 20calzones/
>> (Haven't figgered out how to have the pics going from 1-20, so
>> they're arse about at the moment.)
>> She got her *hot* pizza both ways........ straight out of the oven
>> and with a tad too many jalepenos on it :-)

> You have inspired me to make pizza. Perhaps I'll try it tonight.
> Thanks, Peter! (I'll be borrowing your pizza dough recipe.) :~)

No worries :-)

I'm amazed you can still read it with all the old sauce and wine stains!!

Peter Lucas

"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell