Dinner last night 1Jul07
sf wrote in :
> On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 04:40:53 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas >
> wrote:
>>Been looking around for some terracotta floor tiles that I can use as a
>>pizza stone.
>>Not many people use terracotta tiles for their floors nowadays :-(
> Try to find the terra cotta 6x6 tiles... they aren't as thick as floor
> tiles and heat up faster. Glad I bought enough 6x6 to last a while.
> DS also told me they are next to impossible to find now and when you
> do find them, you have to buy the whole box.
> sf
What do you do, put 4 or more together on the oven rack?
Peter Lucas
"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell