black raspberries - yum!
On Jul 3, 10:14 am, Kate Connally > wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > On Jul 2, 4:38 pm, Kate Connally > wrote:
> >>The black raspberries are in so I drove out to Schramm's
> >>Farm Market and got a pint. (If I could have afforded it I
> >>would have bought all they had!) Anyway, I got some heavy
> >>cream on the way home and for dessert last night I had a
> >>giant bowl of berries with sugar and cream. Yum!
> > I picked a couple of quarts out of my raspberry patch yesterday.
> > Probably will get a couple more quarts Wednesday. They're
> > dead easy to grow--do you have any space?
> > Cindy Hamilton
> Not really. And, anyway, for me "dead easy to grow" would
> be something on the order of hiring a gardener to do it. ;-)
> I'm not much into plants - I mean, I like them and all, but
> I hate gardening. I did a tiny bit of it when I first moved
> into my house and didn't have my arthritis yet. You know how
> people plant maybe 2-3 tomato plants and then end up with
> bushels of tomatoes that they can't even give away? Well,
> I did that and got one tiny ripe tomato and about 3 unripe
> ones that I picked just before the first frost, figuring
> they were never going to get ripe! ;-)
> I did have some luck for a few years with some red currants
> but they got some disease and died. I like plants that you
> can plant and ignore and they will bloom or produce fruit
> forever after without any attention from me. House plants -
> forget it. If they don't meow when they're thirsty I'm not
> going to notice and they're going to shrivel up and die.
> It's pretty pathetic.
Well, raspberries like a little water the first year they're planted,
just like any plant, but after that they're pretty self-sufficient--
they're a lot easier to manage if you prune them. So you probably
should just keep going to Schramm's--they'll appreciate the
I'm not a gung-ho gardener, either. I've got the raspberries, garlic,
and two tomato plants. I actually had to use the weedwhacker in the
vegetable garden last weekend, just to clean up the paths enough to
get in and pick the berries without being mosquito'd to death. One
of these years I'm going to mulch the paths, but the garden gate is
too narrow for the wheelbarrow. Bad planning there.
Cindy Hamilton