ko0kologists, meet my new bitch
On Jul 4, 1:42 am, I need unguent > wrote:
> On Jul 4, 1:21 am, wheat germ > wrote:
> > melodrama my boy, take that shit to bed when you go
> > or do you sleep right there.
> > you sleep right there don't you
> > bet you can reach near bout any snack your heart desires from RIGHT
> > you get called an asshole in the middle of the night
> > cause you ARE an asshole and you ****ing know it
> > you will never know me you punk ass muther****er coward ******* net
> > stalking wig wearing lipstic eating bellymovin, you use one hand to
> > move the other arm, cause you're so lazy
> > ain't had no pussy since the trailer park bitch dumped his sorry ass
> > back in the day
> > when he couldn't get a good gig playing out!
> > it's all your fault, you was a vain bitch! you thought it would be
> > easy, you thought you knew something about anything, any ol monkey can
> > get up and play, but is it any good! **** no, piece of middle of the
> > road mediocre elevator music
> > sheelagh has enough usenet on you for "us" normal people to come and
> > take your computer.
> > Pat, the only reason I am being my usual self here, I want you to see
> > how I interact with my stalker.
> > So I took a few mins to flame him some, most of the time I don't reply
> > I will spend a few mins of time being creative, checking my spelling,
> > re-wording etc... and could be a decent conversation starter with
> > normal people till Nick comes in with some lame ass smart ass remark.
> > and nobody wants to post behind him.
> > He's more than a troll, he's totally connected to usenet since...
> > for a very very very long time. He thrives on calling folks isps
> > so that makes him a Nanny. He will argue I threatened him, that was a
> > misunderstanding on his part.
> > I have tried to be somewhat of a brother and cut him some slack, so..
> > I became nice to him.... this is a mistake.
> > I bring cooking in on this because this is where he has stalked me
> > equally.
> > and just in case he tries to lie, we got 10,000 members who say
> > otherwise
> > -
> > Nick rarely makes a post anywhere, he's too busy inventing shocking
> > and disgusting things to say, like repeatedly asserting that I have
> > sex with a cat.
> > that I molest children behind a school. the list is endless...
> > the least he does is disruptive, the worst he does you won't see me
> > repeat it.
> > I don't care if he has a million nyms, It doesn't bother me, live and
> > let live, but he's bent to interact with me in a stupid dysfunctional
> > way
> > he's learned to get attention through being obnoxious
> > I don't know what to make out of a 57 year old man who is obnoxious
> > like this... and...
> > we must also realize one more thing, Nick has wasted his life on
> > usenet.
> > that's why Im turning my computer off.
> > I am like sheelagh. In the beginning <lighting a cigarette with my new
> > free zippo>
> > I came on here and thought everyone was pretty close to normal... I
> > think that's reasonable for me to expect.
> > Then you learn that it's a cesspool for some people.
> > A place for them to abuse other humans, just so they can release some
> > anger
> > After sheelagh being in tears, I tried to give her some strategy on
> > dealing with Nick.
> > My words to her, were only about assholes!
> > john doe
> > nick andrews
> > everywhere I turn it's nicks ol stinky breathe, he's got a snow white
> > ripply ass.
> > that's his business. but no wonder! he's got more posts than everybody
> > on usenet.
> > I don't mind being Barry on here. These groups are chocked full of
> > interesting engaging people. I like getting to know people, In my own
> > quirky way. We trying to have some fun here and Nicks incontinent ass
> > can't quit shitting the pool.
> > You're an idiot for running up to sheelagh and calling her an idiot
> > and then changing your nym to many variation of her name...
> > to the point, she was writing me again in tears.
> > I have been sheelaghs support through this.
> > She's at home, raising cats, trying to make some casual friends
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: sheelagh
> To: barry parrish >
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 5:42 PM
> Subject: Barry Replying post
> Barry, the words that you are trying to make to make me post on group
> were said by you, to me. At the time you were indicating that you get
> to know people, allow them to think that you are their friend, then
> when they least expect it, BANG, you hit them in the middle of their
> forehead with it.(31-3-07)
> You even explained how easy it is to get people to talk about
> themselves, how you stored that information for a later date & how
> shocked they feel when you deliver the final blow....
> As one of those victims, I now understand just how true those words
> really were.
> You accuse me on group of quoting your email on group????
> Is this so different to telling the group that Bookie is a sad skint
> teacher?
> The way you have treated both Bookie & I with utter contempt is hardly
> kind, nice or considerate. You have played us like fools, & each time
> you do it, you think you can just say, "just kidding", & it will all
> be forgotten.
> Have either of us ever told you that you are a dead beat loser? No, we
> have never done that, so why would you do it to either of us, I ask
> you?
> The difference between us is that I brought my problem to you
> privately, & you chose to ignore it in your contempt.
> I would never have dreamed of telling the group anything that you have
> told me in private, & I never will. Yet, you are asking me to post
> you about all of this on group? What kind of creep do you think I am?
> However, that doesn't give you carte Blanche to abuse our friendship
> time & time again Some friend you are?!!! I trusted you, I liked you &
> most of all, I"respected you"....
> You can't buy respect, you have to earn it.
> If I have any problems with Nancy, I will go to her with them, not
> you.
> This email regards you, not her.
> I was there when you needed a friend, But I see life is different for
> you.
> Read what you had to say, & imagine how you would feel if you were me,
> or Emily. I know exactly where I went wrong, I allowed you to
> manipulate me., but you can be sure that will not happen again. You
> are Barry now. That's it..
> I can't trust you not to do it again to me. You have had your fun with
> us. Now go find someone else to cover your arse & stand up for you.
> I'm too angry to even think about it right now.YOU HURT US BOTH.
> After calling me a sad no one @ Xmas, pulling Bookie to bits twice by
> saying she is a frustrated broke teacher, & me even more often, &
> failing to point out that you were there too, I think I could live
> without friends like that. I don't notice you telling everyone that
> you asked us for money?
> Why would that be? Would it make you look bad?
> Because people would see you for what you are really like?
> Barry, you hurt us both & neither of us did anything to deserve this,
> coming from you especially. Like I said, put yourself in our position-
> it won't take too long for you to understand how badly you treated us.
> It's well out of order...
> However, it is in the past & I for one would rather let it go. I hope
> you choose to do the same too. It is counter productiver & my own
> fault for allowing you too.
so what, she's just venting. I don't care.
Sheelagh is actually a gentle soul
she couldn't be mean if she tried, and you exploited that.
YES you did.