black raspberries - yum!
Terry wrote:
> Where I grew up in PA, we used to go out around July 4 and pick dozens
> of quarts of wild black rasperries. We ate all we could---which was a
> lot, with 13 siblings---and Mom made preserves from the rest. We went
> through 50 quarts or more of those preserves each year. Ambrosia!
I am in PA. What I find amazing is the seemingly popular idea that
unless it comes from the frozen food section or an industrial restaurant
you can't eat it.
We ride our mountain bikes on trails. Many have lots of blackberry
bushes. We will stop to eat them and then the usual result is people
will stop and ask "what are they?", "you are nuts eating those?" etc.
The berries are late this year because the weather has been cooler. The
really tart blackberries that ripen first are still green.
> Tried growing them about ten years ago, here in western KY. The
> plants grew but no significant amount of fruit was ever produced.
> I was amazed to find that almost no one in this end of KY, or in
> eastern KY, or in the area of GA (Athens) where I've lived had ever
> heard of black raspberries. "Y'all mean 'blackberries', don'tcha?"
> [No, no, no, nononononNO! A world of difference!!]
> Best -- terry