storing fresh corn
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> blake murphy > wrote:
> > if you buy corn on the cob and circumstances dictate that you can't
> > cook it until the next day, should you refrigerate it or leave it out?
> > does cold accelerate the sugar to starch process, or slow it down?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > your pal,
> > blake
> I've just always refrigerated it. Works for me for a max of about 5 days
> before the quality begins to noticeably change.
> --
> Peace, Om
For raw, unhusked corn, I just refrigerate in veggie drawer for a couple
of days at most in a loose kitchen towel that's been slightly
moistened. My problem is
I've read in many places that it's recommended to blanch the corn before
freezing it. I've tried that and freezing plain, raw corn, too. I
found I prefer freezing the plain-raw corn instead because I've noticed
that blanching seems to do something to the texture. I'll try again
this year to verify my memory.
Hmmm, I wonder if freezing corn-on-the-cob in its husk is a good idea??
I've never done that before. I'd use a vacuum-sealed bag if I did.