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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Unhappy 4th!

On Jul 5, 11:44?am, "kilikini" > wrote:
> > Well it wasn't a happy 4th for us!

> > Our place in Texas was broken into and robbed as well as ransacked!

> Oh, how lovely. :-( I am so sorry to hear this. Have you made a list of
> what is missing? It may be difficult to determine, I know. When I was
> broken into, I'd still find things missing up to a few weeks later. I just
> kept calling the police to add the items to the report.
> Good luck and I hope they catch the guys who did this.

Geeze, that sucks.

Chances are they won't catch the thieves, not unless there was
anything valuable and out of the ordinary taken, something that would
send up a red flag when it was attempted to be disposed of. Everyone
should take lots of pictures of everything they own, all valuables,
room by room, wall by wall, open each closet, each dresser drawer,
every cabinet... basement, attic, garage, everything outdoors, even
inside your car trunk. Then upload all your pics to a photo website,
there are plenty of free ones. And take tons of pictures, with
digicams it's easy, it's free.

I hope they catch the thief, but don't hold your breath... your stuff
is probably all gone by now, traded for drugs.
