Kosher salt
On Jul 5, 1:09 pm, blake murphy > wrote:
> in any case, i'm not sure my palate is so exquisitely sensitive that i
> could tell the difference between iodized and non-iodized. and i'm
> staying out of the whole 'sea salt' thing.
> i do think it's a good thing you don't see many goiters flapping
> around of late.
> your pal,
> blake- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
When I was a child, it was common to see goiters; I know first-hand
what they look like and it isn't a 'nice' thing. I know for certain
that I can't tell the difference between iodized and non-iodized
salt. Buying a salt or anyother basic ingredient without an added
ingredient is my preference when I have the choice.
Dee Dee