The problem with counterfeit rooster sauce
Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>Blair P. Houghton wrote:
>> Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>>>Steve Wertz wrote:
>>>> On 4 Jul 2007 09:20:55 GMT, Blinky the Shark wrote:
>>>>> Okay. I'll play, but not for long. Do we have any evidence
>>>>> that HF actually sells it "in big containers"?
>>>> Nope. Their chili pastes are sold in 8-10# jugs (which are
>>>> pretty impressive!), but not their sriracha.
>>>> I think they'd know if they were selling it to a
>>>> counterfeiter/repackager.
>> How many condiment producers' order forms include a
>> checkbox asking "are you a pirate?"
>Ask Wertz. I didn't write that.
Count the >'s if you're not sure anyone can tell.
>>>Well, if they're not selling it in bulk, then the claim (now
>>>snipped) that someone may be buying it in bulk and repackaging
>>>it is pretty much unbased.
>> It wasn't a claim. It was one of a set of conjectured
>> possibilities.
>By any name or description, it has been shown to be unbased.
But showing it to be unbased was pointless, as it
was never claimed to be based.