In article >,
Zilbandy > wrote:
> On 5 Jul 2007 23:04:54 GMT, "Default User" >
> wrote:
> >Are you kidding me? It was a national disgrace having the record in
> >Japan.
> Well, of course it was, but I was thinking about the irony of the most
> overweight country in the world having a record involving stuffing a
> hotdog and bun down your throat every 11 seconds for 12 minutes. LOL I
> watched it live on the 4th and was rooting for the USA, but it still
> seems a bit strange to me. Only in the USA.
I did not calculate the time... Maybe I should have my BIL enter?
I watched him snarf down a chili-dog the other day in 3 bites, maybe 5
seconds total!
The question is tho' could he keep that up at a sustained rate for 12
minutes and not kill himself. ;-)
I proceeded to gently lecture him that one of the many secrets to weight
loss and eating less was taking your time and chewing your food. At the
last party I attended, they served grilled hot dogs.
I was able to eat exactly 1 and 1/2 with a bun, ketchup and a light
sprinkling of grated cheese, and that stuffed me for a good 6 hours. :-P
Never again. I'd not eaten a hot dog for at least 6 years... I never buy
them. Too high in sodium.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson