Goomba38 wrote:
> Skyhooks wrote:
> >
> > I remember it well (albeit vaguely), the weeks at summer camp as a kid!
> > All six of them! I and my younger brother were shipped off to a
> > neighboring state to languish at camp. Alas, one of those summers I was
> > banished to a teeny room (closet???) of my very own to sleep in
> > isolation at night due to outlandish snoring (was sleep apnea a
> > recognized medical condition back then?).
> Adenoids, perhaps? Kids shouldn't be snoring.
> Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea...but overweight adults are
> obviously more prone to it.
Well, I did have to get my tonsils removed as a young adult but not due
to snoring! I wonder if those or my adenoids had something to do with
my loud snoring back then (?). At least I don't snore as significantly
as I used to. A CPAP helps, too <G>.
Luckily, weight was never an issue for me as a youngster like it is for
sedentary kids these days. I and my younger brother were always told to
go outside and play, but now many children are kept mostly indoors for
fear of abduction of other outside factors, environmental and
otherwise. DS, now grown (nearly 23), was also told to "go outside and
play, but stay within 'whistle' distance." Luckily, he doesn't snore,
nor is he even close to being overweight
Sky, who has few selective fond memories of summer camp
Food was not one of them!
P.S. DS had to have his tonsils removed as a young adult, too (poor