Dill seed?
Sheldon wrote:
> On Jul 6, 11:39?am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> "Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote
>>> "Nancy Young" > dropped this turd
>>>> I need some to make pickles. I just know it's going to
>>>> be a hassle finding them in the store. My question is this,
>>>> are they sold in liquid like capers, and can I expect to find
>>>> them with the rest of the spices?
>>> If you can't find it locally in the supermarkets etc. you might try the
>>> local Penzeys if you have one close. They also sell it online.
>>> Just head on over to penzeys.com, click search, type in dill seed and
>>> you'll find several sizes to choose from.
>> Thanks, Michael, but I was hoping to make them today or tomorrow.
>> I picked up the kirbys, too. And the vinegar.
> Dill pickles use dill weed, not dill seeds. If you can't find fresh
> dill weed used dried dill weed... I suppose you can use dill seed in a
> pinch but it's not the same flavor, not even close. And good pickles
> are fermented, in brine, not vinegar.
> Sheldon
When do you pick your dill? Mine is blooming now; I've been cutting the
heads (with the stems down to where it branches) as soon as the seeds
develop, and putting them in the freezer to wait for the cukes.
From many years ago when I made dill pickles, I don't remember the dill
branching like this, and it seems like it had a lot more leaves. This
dill has very few leaves.