SILICONE GASKET for FAGOR pressure cooker
On 28 Feb 2007 15:28:16 -0800, "nucleus" > wrote:
>does anyone here have any experience with longevity of the Fagor
>SILICONE GASKET for pressure cookers, as compared to the
I still use my original gasket. The Fagor is four years old and I use
it minimum of twice a week.
>we now need our third gasket for our Fagor pressure cooker. seems
>like Fagor has a bad design of their pressure cooker or a bad
>design/selection of rubber material for their gasket. we have tried
>all of the tricks for sealing the gasket, from oil to vaseline, with
>being the best suggestion.
As has been said - those products have deterioated your gasket
>we suspect that Fagor's requirement that the gasket be replaced every
>12 months, is a ploy to keep draining the consumer's purse.
As I said, four years and counting no problem here.
>the plain gasket was NEVER a problem with the old MIRRO pressure