On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:47:25 -0500, zxcvbob >
>I bought a bottle of expensivish gin yesterday, instead of the
>moderately cheap stuff I usually get. It cost twice as much than my
>Seagram's, and is about 20% stronger. I just wanted to see what the
>difference was.
>Is there anything I need to try with it that I normally wouldn't drink
>with cheaper gin? I usually have gin & tonic in the summer, or
>sometimes gin & Fresca. I had a shot last night, chilled and it did
>taste better like that than Seagram's, but that could have just been the
>higher alcohol content which numbs ones taste buds.
>A real Martini, maybe? (Can I still call it a Martini if I use the
>wrong shaped glass?)
Martini is exactly what is called for. Regardless of the shape of the
glass, freeze it, pour in a little dry vermouth, swish it around, pour
out what's not frozen to the glass of any shape, add very cold Bombay
Sapphire and two olives.
Works with my wife every time.
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