omg pat
On 7 Jul, 03:28, wheat germ > wrote:
> sheelagh wrote:
> > I can hear the inflection in your words
> I can hear yours too
I doubt it.
I am still very angry indeed & the best advice I can give you right
now, is to give me time to cool off. If you persist in cross posting,
full of innuendo, I might feel a desperate need to post the emails
that you sent me on the same day that you were busy ripping me to
shreds in "this Group"
( I didn't change any header!!)
I was being sarcastic.
I wouldn't deny that you supported me many months ago with Nick. I did
find him hard work & you advised me on how to avoid him where
possible, & also how to wind the pants off him too Since then, it is
a totally different matter!
(You forgot to mention this in this thread I see!).
To imply to this group the other day that I quoted your email, is a
complete satirical joke. All the while you were posting here telling
everyone that you didn't know I had a problem with you, & you didn't
understand where that came from, you were also busy emailing me with
filth & wind up's....
<just off to check, like you did>
8 emails telling me that you were bad, and that you were going to sort
it out with the group & tell them that what happened in reality. I
waited the whole day, just to see if you would make good on your
promise, & guess what? You didn't!!!!!!
Am I surprised?
Just leave me alone for now.
For the good of this group & for the respect you have for it, please
stop this right now?
Thank you