On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 16:38:08 +1200, bob >
>On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 16:25:33 +1200, bob >
>magnanimously proffered:
>>Restaurants Story
>>Reviewers criticise at their legal peril
>>5:00AM Thursday July 05, 2007
>>By David Usborne
>>Everybody wants to be a critic, but be warned. Praise what you see -
>>or taste - and the creator will love you forever. Slam it, however,
>>and they might just try to bite back.
>Seems like an epidemic:
>Critics up in arms as restaurant review judged defamatory
>What does this mean for restaurant critics? Read Matthew Evans' full
>review and have your say on our food blog.
>Barbara McMahon in Sydney
>Friday June 15, 2007
>Guardian Unlimited
>Awarding the restaurant only nine points out of 20, he concluded that
>"more than half the dishes I've tried at Coco Roco are simply
>unpalatable", and that the food was overpriced.
>Coco Roco closed three months after the review and the owners, who had
>spent more than A$3m (£1m) refitting the restaurant blamed it on the
>reviewer, saying that customers had been put off by Evans's words.
Seems like they are shooting the messenger! Customers would have
reached that conclusion too. In fact, it may have hung on a bit
longer than it should have due to being mentioned at all. Restaurant
critics do not make or break restaurants, but they do advertize them
for free.
History is a vast early warning system
Norman Cousins