Texas BBQ Brisket?
On Jul 8, 10:17 am, (TammyM) wrote:
> Ah, the dumbass names grocery stores come up with for cuts of meat.
> It's a flat cut brisket. I've never cooked one of these on the grill
> before. What would you do to that son of a gun, cook-wise? I'm
> undecided and there's plenty of time to go to the store. It's not
> going to be a trazillion degrees here today, but grillin' would still
> be my top choice (er....)
> TammyM (maybe they call it 'Texas' because it's so big. You know,
> EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas....)
Best bet would probably be to put a rub on it and grill it using
indirect heat. Take it out when it hits 180 to 190 degrees.