"modom (palindrome guy)" <moc.etoyok@modom> wrote in message
> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 14:17:17 GMT, (TammyM) wrote:
>>Ah, the dumbass names grocery stores come up with for cuts of meat.
>>It's a flat cut brisket. I've never cooked one of these on the grill
>>before. What would you do to that son of a gun, cook-wise? I'm
>>undecided and there's plenty of time to go to the store. It's not
>>going to be a trazillion degrees here today, but grillin' would still
>>be my top choice (er....)
> I just checked on line, and I'm sorry to say that it appears that
> Woody's Cook-In Sauce is no longer being made. That would be my first
> choice for this cut, absent a smoker set up. Good Texas style
> barbecue brisket is smoked at 225F for 15 hours or more till it is
> tender. Woody's is (was) a decent imitation barbecue that you did in
> the oven in a foil covered pan at 325F for about four hours, if I
> recall correctly. That temperature may be wrong.
My brother is a huge Woody's fan and uses it with his BBQing (as a marinade
ingredient for his chicken--he has a catering business and competes in BBQ
cook-offs). About a year and a half ago, he found out the Cook-In Sauce was
being discontinued and asked me to pick up a case of it and send it to him
(he lives in Bethlehem, PA and couldn't locate any in his area; I lived in
TX then and could find it in the stores there). So I did. Grabbed up every
bottle I saw in every store and gave them to him (he still has some left).
Then, after I moved to Baltimore, I saw the sauce in a store here (a couple
of months ago). I told him about it, and he was very surprised, as the
company that makes Woody's told him over a year ago that they were going to
stop making the sauce. He told me to once again to buy all the bottles I
could find for him. I haven't looked recently; need to do that the next time
I go grocery shopping.