"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> MareCat said...
>> My brother is a huge Woody's fan and uses it with his BBQing (as a
>> marinade ingredient for his chicken--he has a catering business and
>> competes in BBQ cook-offs). About a year and a half ago, he found out
>> the Cook-In Sauce was being discontinued and asked me to pick up a case
>> of it and send it to him (he lives in Bethlehem, PA and couldn't locate
>> any in his area; I lived in TX then and could find it in the stores
>> there). So I did. Grabbed up every bottle I saw in every store and gave
>> them to him (he still has some left). Then, after I moved to Baltimore,
>> I saw the sauce in a store here (a couple of months ago). I told him
>> about it, and he was very surprised, as the company that makes Woody's
>> told him over a year ago that they were going to stop making the sauce.
>> He told me to once again to buy all the bottles I could find for him. I
>> haven't looked recently; need to do that the next time I go grocery
>> shopping.
>> Mary
> Geez... nothing else even comes close to Woody's?? Nobody's cloned this
> wonder?
LOL. Yeah, you'd think it was liquid gold or something.
I've never used it before, although I do have a bottle here. I'm thinking of
trying the oven brisket that modom mentioned (we've never smoked a brisket,
mainly because of the long time required).
> What's gonna happen to your brother's BBQ career when the supply dries up?
Oh, he'll survive, believe me. He wins awards with all of his meats--Woody's
sauced or not.