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pablo pablo is offline
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Default Chorizo & Spuds (Was OT -- Baby-Sitting)

"Goomba38" > wrote in message
. ..
> Steve Wertz wrote:
>> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 02:51:19 GMT, Little Malice wrote:
>>> Oh my, I did some looking:
>>> "The authentic Mexican style chorizo, either pork or beef consists of
>>> only lips and salivary glands rather than the muscle cuts."
>>> I'm sorry, I'm not eating anyone's lips...


Sorry for butting in like this without reading the rest of the thread (I'm
just too tired tonight.) but I think the phrase "THE authentic Mexican
style chorizo..." is an unfair generalization. I agree that the cheap,
mass marketed, shrink wrapped excuse for chorizo (You know --the kind we
most often see.) is really disgusting, but you don't have to look too hard
to find something A LOT better. Any decent meat market in the "barrio" of a
large city will probably make their own chorizo. It will likely be much
leaner, (although still made of scraps) more mildly seasoned, and it will
probably contain identifiable chunks of pork. (As Sheldon says though, if
you don't grind it yourself, it's mystery meat.)

Although the chorizo I buy in the barrio is way better than the shrink
wrapped stuff dripping with annatto, by far the best I've ever tasted was
made by my friend Manny, a retired meat cutter. He buys pork butts and
shoulders, grinds them himself, and uses his own seasoning mix. Words fail
me to describe the flavor, but it's absolutely transcendent! I'm sure he
uses lots of allspice and cinnamon --but not as much red chile as I
expected. What's more, he's not sharing the recipe, and I'm too lazy to try
to replicate it. (I hope he doesn't take it to the grave with him!) And
then there's his pickled onions...

(missing Tucson)