Thread: pie crust
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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default pie crust

AE Todd wrote:
> I bake a lot of pies. The latest is fresh cherry, and I notice that
> the bottom crust rare gets crispy or flakey, because of the
> combination of moisture and decreased temp from the filling.
> Sometimse I make my own crust, other times I buy the kind you unroll.
> I am wondering if anyone has ideas for a better bottom crust. Has
> anyone tried blind baking the crust before adding filling for a fruit
> pie?

I usually partially cook the cherry filling and then let it cool before
putting it into the pie shell. That ensures that the cherries are fully
cooked. It also thickens the filling a little so that all that liquid
doesn't get sopped up into the bottom crust before it has a chance to cook.