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norman mailer-daemon norman mailer-daemon is offline
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Posts: 4
Default Miller High-Life Ad: $11.50 is not a lot for a burger & this commercial STILL makes no sense.

Miller truck driver bursts into a restaurant rambling on about "$11.50
for a hamburger...", goes into the kitchen and takes all of the Miller
out of the fridge and drives off with it-- still rambling on about
"This beer is about 'High Life'... "

So, this ad makes no sense on many levels.

- $11.50 is not a lot of money to pay for a burger in a nice

- And if the writers of this ad assume people think this IS a lot to
pay for a burger, wouldn't it mean that people who could afford it are
living "the high life"??

Doesn't "living the high life" mean you can spend money without

Why would the truck driver take back the beer because a nice
restaurant charged too much money for a burger?

In the 60's & 70's, Madison Avenue was once the center of the universe
for clever, funny, well-produced advertising.

But in ithe past decade or so, it looks like they are just hiring
people off the street to write tripe like this.