I have recently discovered a web page:
and they have all pressure cooker parts still made, and for Mirro they
have a nice variety, they don't have many handles, but they have a
great gasket selection... see what you think
.... Hope this helps. -Erica
On Jun 29, 9:56 pm, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> (Pat Evans) wrote:
> > I have not been able to replace either the gasket or safety fuse for my
> > 1965 mirro matic. The substitute parts now made do not fit properly.
> > None of the pressure cookers on the market can compare in quality with
> > my now useless mirromatic. New Prestos start around $50. The price
> > climbs as I get into Fagor and others. I like fresh summer vegetables
> > cooked in the pc. I no longer use it for any other type of food.
> > therefore, I never use anything other than 15lbs of pressure Presto
> > starts about $50, Would Presto be satisfactory or should I invest in a
> > more expensive pc. Thanks Pat
> Presto is all we have ever owned. :-)
> Mom's Presto lasted over 25 years. We finally replaced it when the
> bottom started to get slightly convex.
> I have a 5 quart and it works fine for me. I just have to remember to
> wet the gasket prior to starting it up as it makes a better seal that
> way.
> I just give the inside of the lid a quick rinse.
> --
> Peace, Om
> Remove _ to validate e-mails.
> "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson