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Matthew L. Martin Matthew L. Martin is offline
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Posts: 286
Default Is corn syrup among "the best stuff on Earth"? (Was: Milk PricesChug Toward Record High)

Otto Bahn wrote:
> "Adam Funk" > wrote
>>>> I just pulled three containers out of the fridge. The first one says
>>>> "high fructose corn syrup". The second one says, "corn syrup" *and*
>>>> "high fructose corn syrup'. The second one says, "high fructose corn
>>>> syrup" *and* "corn syrup".
>>>> I guess I just buy bizarre stuff. Like tonic water, marmalade and
>>>> barbecue sauce (the examples above).
>>> Guess I haven't bothered to study the ingredients lists. The
>>> three I pulled out were 2 and 1 also. My bbq sauce was just corn
>>> syrup. The no name catsup and Snapple were high fructose corn syrup.
>>> I didn't see one with both ingredients, but the bbq sauce also has
>>> brown sugar listed.

> I'm thinking the high fructose stuff has a worse glycemic index
> and maybe tastes sweeter. But don't worry, the price of everything
> will go up when they up the use of corn for biofuel.
> I believe Mexico already had a tortilla crisis.

Yes, they do. That will be sending more Mexicans our way. Anyone believe
in unintended consequences.


I'm a consultant. If you want an opinion I'll sell you one.
Which one do you want?