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Default "Cutting" sugar with Splenda?

On Jul 9, 8:52 pm, "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> > wrote in message
> > Does anyone know a good ratio to "cut" white or brown sugar with
> > Splenda to get the same effect as the pre-mixed variety, but at lower
> > cost?

> Read the calories per serving on the blend. Splenda claims to have the same
> measure as sugar, so if calories on the pre-mix are half of real sugar, then
> I'd use half sugar, half Splenda. You can also try a custom blend that
> suits your needs of baking and still gives the flavor you want from real
> sugar.

Hmm. Why is it that the simple answers always seem to elude me? It
looks to be about a 50/50 blend based on the information on their
website, so that's good. I'll have to test a blend in home recipes to
see how it works out.

> The original Splenda was horrid in the blandness it gave to baked good.

Really? I've not really noticed a difference in my recipies, but I've
just used it as a substitute for sugar that's used for sweetening.
Maybe it differs for each person?

Anyway, thanks for the prompt response.
