Thread: pie crust
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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default pie crust

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 19:20:46 -0700, MaryMc
> wrote:

>On 2007-07-09 10:15:30 -0700, "dianem1999" > said:
>> You could coat the bottom crust with a thin layer of egg white, then bake it
>> for about 10 minutes before adding the filling and the top crust.

>I do that, and it seems to help. I recently read where someone
>suggested a thin glaze of preserves instead--may try that next time.
>Using a clear glass Pyrex pie plate also seems to help.
>The other thing I do is to use a baking stone in the oven, and preheat
>it to 400 degrees F. for at least 30-45 minutes. When I put the pie in
>I put it on the very lowest oven rack for about 15 minutes, then reduce
>the temp to 350 degrees and move the pie down directly on the baking

I've never coated the bottom crust, but it occurred to me as I put my
quiche in the oven tonight that I use the bottom rung too. Using a
"stone" depends on how lazy I was after making pizza and if I left the
tiles in the oven or not.


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