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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default Chorizo & Spuds (Was OT -- Baby-Sitting)

In article >,
> Sorry man -- that sucks. If there are enough Latinos in your community,
> maybe you could find someone who makes it and sells it out of their home.
> Failing that, you could grind your own, or go to a reputable meat counter
> and get them to grind some pork for you. Then you could mix it with your
> own spice concoction and a little red wine vinegar. If it were me, I would
> do that or do without until I found a decent source. It's one of those
> things that's easy to take for granted until you find yourself without.
> (We met the owner of a Mexican restaurant in Paris about 10 years ago. She
> said it was impossible to find reliable sources for fresh ingredients. She
> had to learn to make a lot of things in-house --like tortillas and
> chorizo --that she normally would have purchased.)

I found some excellent Portuguese chorizo at the local Harris Teeter.

Peter Aitken