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Peter[_6_] Peter[_6_] is offline
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Default Winter soups....

"MOMPEAGRAM" > wrote in message
> Could I have the recipe for Dutch Meatball Soup, please?
> MoM

MoM, I posted it in this thread in a different spot, but I will repost it in
this reply.

When I posted it before I forgot to include leeks in the recipe. Add leeks
or onions as desired too!


Dutch Meatball Soup

I don't have a written recipe, but off the top of my head....

- Make meatballs, lots of em, bite size. Use whatever meatball recipe you
like. Don't pre-cook them.
- 10-15 cups (approx) broth, chicken, vegie, whatever
- 2-3 Grated carrots
- 1-2 cans of tomato paste (you can sub tomato sauce or a can of crushed
tomatos with the juice, I think paste works best)
- a few cloves of minced garlic
- A couple stalks of celery, chopped small
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice
- dried crushed chili peppers, or cyan, or chili oil to taste -> optional
- 1/4th cup soy sauce (this is not traditional, but I like it) -> optional.

Add a few pinches of salt if required.

In a large pot, add lots of broth of your choice and bring to simmer.
Dump in the meat balls and tomato paste, garlic, peppers, let simmer an
additional 30 min or so. Add celery and rice. About 10 min before rice is
cooked dump in the grated carrots.

There is lots of room to play with this soup, you can add corn or other
vegies, different seasonings, etc. I never make it the same twice. I don't
always add rice if I plan to eat it for a few days (I always make a HUGE

I add maggi seasoning to taste once it's in the bowl, not to the pot
though. It's even better the second day, and freezes well too.