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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Winter soups....

Ophelia wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
> Now, how about the recipe for your pea soup???

I don't have an actual recipe. For starters, I take a ham bone with plenty
of meat left on it and cook it down with the usual; garlic, onion, celery,
carrots and thyme. I strain that off, pick the ham out of the mix and toss
it back into the stock. Next I take a bag of green and a bag of yellow
peas, toss those in with diced onion, diced celery, diced carrots, diced
onion and MORE garlic. I add a bay leaf or two and cook the whole mess down
to mush. Sample, add salt & pepper to taste, sample again. I may add a
touch more thyme, maybe some parsley, and sometimes a pat of butter.

It's just a made up recipe. I go with what tastes good. :~)
