OT -- Baby-Sitting
Chatty Cathy wrote:
> Good one! I also think most parents have nickname(s) for their
> children, in cyberspace or in RL. For some reason (I have no clue
> why) we often call our daughter "Tweets" (among other endearments). I
> cannot remember who started calling her that first - think it was DH
> - but it stuck. When she is in a "mood" we call her "Madam" (as in
> Little Miss Madam). Mind you, she is only three and a half y/o - I am
> sure we will think up a few more when she gets older... And my
> mother used to call me "Chookie" when I was in her "good books". If
> either of my parents addressed me by my full given name of Catherine,
> I just *knew* I was in deep trouble. LOL.
My name is Mary but my family calls me Becca. My oldest son calles me
Maynard and my youngest son calls me Moose (isn't that lovely!). Why
couldn't they just call me Mom? LOL