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MOMPEAGRAM[_2_] MOMPEAGRAM[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 228
Default Winter soups....

"Peter" > wrote in message
> "MOMPEAGRAM" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Could I have the recipe for Dutch Meatball Soup, please?
>> MoM

> MoM, I posted it in this thread in a different spot, but I will repost
> it in this reply.
> When I posted it before I forgot to include leeks in the recipe. Add
> leeks or onions as desired too!
> ------------
> Dutch Meatball Soup
> I don't have a written recipe, but off the top of my head....
> - Make meatballs, lots of em, bite size. Use whatever meatball recipe
> you
> like. Don't pre-cook them.
> - 10-15 cups (approx) broth, chicken, vegie, whatever
> - 2-3 Grated carrots
> - 1-2 cans of tomato paste (you can sub tomato sauce or a can of crushed
> tomatos with the juice, I think paste works best)
> - a few cloves of minced garlic
> - A couple stalks of celery, chopped small
> - 1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice
> - dried crushed chili peppers, or cyan, or chili oil to taste ->
> optional
> - 1/4th cup soy sauce (this is not traditional, but I like it) ->
> optional.
> Add a few pinches of salt if required.
> In a large pot, add lots of broth of your choice and bring to simmer.
> Dump in the meat balls and tomato paste, garlic, peppers, let simmer an
> additional 30 min or so. Add celery and rice. About 10 min before rice
> is
> cooked dump in the grated carrots.
> There is lots of room to play with this soup, you can add corn or other
> vegies, different seasonings, etc. I never make it the same twice. I
> don't
> always add rice if I plan to eat it for a few days (I always make a HUGE
> pot)
> I add maggi seasoning to taste once it's in the bowl, not to the pot
> though. It's even better the second day, and freezes well too.

Thanks, I asked before I saw it!

Do you have a favorite meatball recipe you use?