Thread: Cooking & Salt
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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Cooking & Salt

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:53:55 -0700, aem > wrote:

>Most home cooks using fresh ingredients, in my observation, use too
>little salt for best tasting results. And they don't use it at the
>right times. They fail to salt pasta water, they fail to salt the
>water for boiling potatoes, they fail to salt deep fried things
>_immediately_ upon draining, they fail to salt aromatics when they
>sweat them at the beginning of a recipe, they fail to salt the chicken
>before they roast it, etc., etc., etc. Then they sprinkle some salt
>over the dish at the end and wonder why it isn't as flavorful as it
>should be. -aem


I have read too many noted chefs and food scientists lately, that have
said this. Salt doesn't just make things salty, if it is added during
the cooking: it helps expand flavors and develop them. If salted is
added at the end of cooking, food just tastes salty. And you end up
using more salt than you would if you added it during the cooking

I know we have talked about this ad nauseum on rfc, but I am amazed at
folks that won't even try to test it out. It's isn't a hard
experiment. Just try cooking one of your normal dishes, and add salt
at a different point in the process. For instance, if you only salt
at the end, try adding it a bit earlier, say when sweating vegetables.
Or salt the chicken before you roast it...say a few days before. The
difference can be amazing.
It's not a difficult experiment. And you might be very surprised.
