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Chatty Cathy Chatty Cathy is offline
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Default I Admit It. I'm A Picky Eater.

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> I just posted about the nasty food at LA Superior Court when it
> occurred to me that I am a really picky eater. I've never actually
> considered myself to be a picky eater, but them's the facts.


Only two foods I truly *abhor* and cabbage is one of them. <shudder>
Don't even like coleslaw!
"Mielie-meal" (maize meal) is another one - in various forms - a bit
like grits from what I can gather - you all can have my share - blech!!

Then there is tofu. Ahem. DH likes it, dunno why, so I will eat it if I
have to. It's just a "filler" IMHO.

Okra also falls under the "Things I will eat if I have to" category.
It's slimy stuff, but its OK in gumbo - because you don't even know it's
there LOL.

BTW, I like beets (so sue me)
Chatty Cathy