Ruby Tuesday
Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 14:18:12 -0400, "kilikini"
> > wrote:
>> OTOH, we've been to a Ruby Tuesdays down in Brandon, FL that had the most
>> fabulous salad bar - way more "fixins" than the one much closer to home. We
>> ate our salads up at the bar due to lack of seats because the place was
>> busy. I commented to my husband about how much better the salad bar was
>> compared to the one at home. There was fresher lettuce, more variety, REAL
>> bacon bits, a few selections of olives....etc. Our friendly bartender
>> overheard me, spoke up, and proudly said that it was due to the fact that
>> that particular Ruby Tuesdays was indpendantly owned and not corporate. In
>> other words, they had more leeway in what they could serve and what they
>> couldn't.
> The Ruby Tuesdays in Port St Lucie West has a wonderful salad bar with
> enough stuff on it that you can make it your entire meal including
> nice fruit for dessert... but our local one is pathetic! We went to
> the local one twice (because the first time might have been an 'off'
> day) and we're never going back there again.
Thats a consistent thing with big box restaurants. You might be
surprised that many of them really don't do much to verify the quality
and cleanliness of their franchisees.