Most easily overcooked foods...
Omelet wrote:
> Here, it's usually shrimp or Broccoli.
> I've finally gone to simply cooking those separately.
> Broccoli is SO easily cooked to mush; I now just steam it on it's own
> and add it to the final dish. Timing is everything.
I have never thought to pre-cook broccoli before adding it to a dish and it
makes perfect sense. I feel a slap-your-forehead-*duh*-kind-of-moment,
here. <g> It would help tremendously in a stir-fry if it was steamed
first; broccoli seems to take the longest. Thanks!
Another food that can get overcooked easily is steamed asparagus. Cook it
too long and it becomes discolored and stringy. It's a fine line, too. One
minute it's too crisp and the next it's mush. After many unsuccessful
tries, I learned to stop at *just* before fork tender, take the steamer off
the heat, and run the spears under cold water to halt the cooking process.
I get bright green tender spears every time. (Well, unless I'm grilling or
roasting, anyway.)