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Skyhooks Skyhooks is offline
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Default I Admit It. I'm A Picky Eater.

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> I just posted about the nasty food at LA Superior Court when it
> occurred to me that I am a really picky eater. I've never actually
> considered myself to be a picky eater, but them's the facts. I *don't*
> like far more food than I *do* like. Some food, like risotto and the
> like, I hate because of its texture. Other food, like beets, I just
> can't stand the taste. Long list of that, gotta say. Other things,
> like cooked cabbage, and liver, I just can't stand the smell of it.
> And anything I don't recognize, but will taste and reserve the right
> to put it on my "hate" list. I also don't like most Asian cuisine,
> although I love sushi, shashimi, etc. and I also like [qualifier] most
> [American] Chinese.
> And just to be evenhanded here, I don't like a lot of other foods most
> people like. I don't like hamburgers, pizza, chips of any kind, sweet
> potato *anything*, cranberry *anything* - am I fired as a foodie?
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

I have to confess, too I'm awfully picky myself. There are no
cooked green vegetables I will eat, along with many other foods. As a
kid growing up, I disliked spaghetti (the pasta was good), pizza, shrimp
creole, etc. <---- get the pattern? I also disliked, and still do,
cooked tomato sauce (ketchup doesn't count). However, I've outgrown
some of my dislikes and will eat pepperoni pizza as long as the sauce
isn't heavy.

Just because I'm a picky eater, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate
foods that I dislike. I enjoy reading the infinite recipes that are
"out there" and about people's dining experiences. When DS was younger,
I cooked a lot of foods I disliked (cooked green veggies) so he would
have a healthy and varied diet. There is nothing he will refuse to eat

I have a philosophy about food, and to me, it's The Ultimate Rule of
(My) Kitchen -- "Cook's Choice!" I'll take nearly any recipe that
intriques me and tweak it if there are ingredients I don't like. Simple
as that. Don't forget, The Ultra Ultimate Rule of the Kitchen is
"always use the timer!"

Sky, who enjoys reading this NG immensely