"Eat at Bill's"
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Christine Dabney
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Posts: 4,949
"Eat at Bill's"
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:52:12 -0700,
>Hi Christine and Andy,
>I'm the person who made "Eat at Bill's". It's not an infomercial. It's
>a doc. Bill agreed to let me make it because he's all about supporting
>local agriculture, and I wanted people to see how one guy, his store
>and its customers can make a big difference in the lives of a lot of
>small farmers. OK, sounds preachy, but it's not that severe -- some
>people actually think "Eat at Bill's" is entertaining.
I wish I could see more than the little snippet I saw.
I wasn't trying to do a sell on the documentary or anything. It just
pleased me so much that one of my favorite all time markets was the
subject of a documentary. It's a special market...and I hope it
continues to exist for years into the future. I wanted to show folks
that I know this market, and that it is something special.
I started shopping there back in 1985, I think. I have been shopping
there ever since, when I am in the bay area.
I am always so amazed at what I can find there. And the prices for
that quality!!!
>I just didn't want you to think Bill's the kind of guy who would ever
>make an infomercial about his store.
Oh, I know. I have seen him around the market, working as hard as
anyone else there, maybe harder.
Monterey Market is one of the unsung markets in the area. Berkeley
Bowl gets way more attention, and is about 3 times as big, maybe
bigger. They both have their attributes, but Monterey Market has a
more intimate feel to it, and sometimes there are things there I just
can't find at any other market. It is such a rush to pull up to the
market, and find a big pile of something that is a special that day,
whether it be a glorious pile of red peppers, or pimentos (the real
thing) or something else that is exotic, or not so exotic. I always
buy more than I intend....
>Glad you like the store -- me too!
Yes, I can't wait til I get back to the bay area from NM, to be
shopping there once again.
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Christine Dabney
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