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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default China executes food safety cheif

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:

> So, the only reason you're OK with imprisoning people for having a
> gram of cocaine is because it's illegal?

Societal contracts, including laws, should be enforced. The fact that you
believe otherwise leaves anarchy as the ruling authority.

> I think the reason you won't
> let the discussion evolve is because you know how stupid your beliefs
> are. No need to be polite here. Stupid is the right word.

I won't let the discussion go the way YOU want because your thetorical
tactics are juvenile and deviate from the original discussion. Allowing THAT
would be stupid. Your attempt to further degrade the issue is noted.

> There are only two other possibilities: Lazy, or you believe cocaine
> is worse than booze.
> So, which is it? Stupid, lazy or misinformed?

You meant to say, 'Damn, he won't take the bait.' If you want to start
another thread about how stupid drug laws are, fine. However the issue here
is whether America loves to put people in prison. And the anwer is the same:
America loves to put criminals into prison.