Cooking & Salt
On Jul 11, 9:00 pm, "James Silverton" >
> Scott wrote on 12 Jul 2007 01:10:39 GMT:
> ??>> OK, I have got time; a gram molecular weight of NaCl is
> ??>> 58.45g (roughly 2oz and that's a lot!) and it would raise
> ??>> the boiling point of 2 liters (say rather inexactly 2
> ??>> quarts) of water by about 0.5°F
> SR> "a gram molecular weight of NaCl is 58.45g" ?????
> SR> Thank god you clarify that it's "roughly 2oz and that's a
> SR> lot!".
> SR> What a load of utter nonsensical crap.
> SR> I feel like Sheldon tonite :-)
> I hope you are referring to Sheldon not the chemistry. It's a
> bit of a pity that real units have not caught on but a gram
> molecular weight, that's a molecular weight in grams of any
> soluble substance, will raise the boiling point of a liter of
> water by 0.58 C.
That's not strictly true. It depends on the van 't Hoff factor of the
substance in question. The more ions it dissociates into, the greater
the boiling point elevation per mole of said solute.