Eggplant salad
Phred wrote:
> In article et>,
> "Harriet Neal" > wrote:
> >....
> >romanian eggplant salad, salata de vinete complete with photos:
> >
> >Ingredients
> > * 1 kg of eggplants: not to large, uniform coloring and texture
> > * 1 large onion
> > * salt, pepper
> > * 100ml, sunflower oil
> > * patience
> >
> >Preparation
> > * use a fork to pierce the eggplants to avoid eggplant explosion
> > * grill the eggplants until they are soft and liquid is emerging
> > when checking the crust (10 - 15 mins)
> > * leave them to cool down until they can be handled
> > * peal the crust. This should be easy if they are cooked and cold
> > enough but requires some patience
> > * put the eggplants on a plate and wait 10 minutes to let out all
> > liquid
> > * cut the onion in very small pieces
> > * mix the eggplants with onions and the sunflower oil until it's a
> > paste
> > * cool down and serve on sliced bread and with tomatos salad
> >
> >I add crushed garlic & use olive oil instead of sunflower oil.
> How do you think this would go if you cooked the eggplants in a
> microwave? I often cook a whole eggplant (medium size and stabbed
I think it would work but grilling the eggplants would add some
smokiness and depth of flavor. At least that's what's said in the case
of baba ganoush.