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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Posts: 1,442
Default Illegal to grill a burger

In article >, says...
> It will also be ruled unconstitutional after the first challenge from
> someone who works odd hours and the law infringes on their right to cook
> their dinner as they see fit.

Oh, there's a constitutional right to cook your dinner as you see fit
even though it sends noxious fumes into your neighbor's house? Exactly
which clause of the constitution is that? I must have missed it.

I agree that this law seems dumb, there must be a better way to solve
the problem than banning all grilling. But, don't you think that you
should have some control over the air on your private property? Would it
be OK, say, if your neighbor raised pigs and the stench of the pig shit
blew into your house regularly?

Peter Aitken