Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>Steve Pope > wrote:
>>If I have a boneless beef rib roast, and I slice it into steaks,
>>what cut of steak would this be called?
>A rib steak.
>Take just the eye and you have a rib-eye steak.
>Bone-in it would be a cowboy steak.
Aha. My main butcher sells a cowboy steak. It's about two
or three pounds and has a large rib-bone sticking out of it.
I think the allusion is to grabbing it by the bone during the
grilling operation.
>>(If it makes any difference, I am slicing it at right angles
>>to the backbone of the animal...)
>It makes a difference. If you slice it the long way
>we have to kill you for wasting good meat.
Right, I figured that much out.