Restaurant critics beware!
Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
>Tony23 wrote:
>>I know someone who was told by the Judge that she COULD NOT represent
>>herself and she MUST retain an attorney to appear in court...
>Well, that's just crap. *Anyone* can appear pro se. I cannot imagine a
>state that doesn't allow one to represent him/herself. I'd have asked
>that judge to show me song and verse in the Code of Civil Procedure
>where it says that. "You're Honor, with all due respect (which, of
>course, always has a subtitle of "you flaming *ss"),
It's that "due" that turns it from "with all respect" to
"with no respect because you are due none".
>please direct me
>to the portion of the Code of Civil Procedure that prohibits me from
>representing myself."
And he says, "it's not my job to advise you and if you
had a lawyer you'd know that already," with the subtext
"(and because you don't have a lawyer you have no way of
challenging me successfully on this)".
And goes back to eating his Gyro. (