How hungry can I be?
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 10:02:35 -0400, Nancy Young >
> wrote:
> >Steve Wertz wrote:
> >> Russian dressing is made with mayo, which would make the sandwich very
> >> un-kosher.
> >How so?
> I have no idea. I was thinking mayo was dairy. I *do* know better
> than that; just a temporary brain fart. Heck - I make my own mayo all
> the time... duh.
> Nevermind.
(laughing) I was kidding you, I once had a horror that I ordered
mayo on a sandwich in a kosher deli, did I violate some dietary
law without realizing it? and someone said, no, mayonnaise is not
nancy the evil person