Cooking & Salt
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 22:21:02 -0700, Joseph Littleshoes
> wrote:
>blake murphy wrote:
>> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>>Now pepper, especially freshly ground black pepper i am addicted to.
>> isn't great that in the modern era, you don't have to be wealthy to
>> afford pepper?
>> your pal,
>> blake
>One day i ran out of black pepper corns, and i thought to myself, so
>what, no big deal its just pepper, and i made no especial effort to rush
>out and get any more. By the 3rd day i was actively craving it, food
>did not taste right, cottage cheese was bland, chicken was tasteless and
>eggs almost unpalatable.
>I went out and got a few ounces for my pepper mill and the aroma alone
>was almost ambrosial, suddenly food was fulfilling again.
i had a girlfriend for who i cooked quite often who was allergic to
onion. it was a pain in the butt to cook without it, but cooking
without pepper is almost unthinkable.
(she was quite sensitive to onion. i had to mark the cutting board so
one side was 'no onion.')
your pal,