Chinese food tastes like cardboard
On Jul 14, 12:06 pm, wrote:
> > You made me read through all that just to find:
> > « You have to go outside to get something out of the 'fridge
> > (xolodilnik) »
I was referring to the gfact that I was asking "Xolodilnik" to tell us
what his name means. (Mabe you didn't see that one. You appear to
have been on Internet for may hours since before sunrise.)
> > Geez, between becoming a comedian and a chef, I'd say chews the latter ...
> Don't be so hasty. Have you tasted my cooking yet?
I was trying to be [heaven forbid] funny by saying "chews" instead of
So I was writing "becoming a comedian and a chef, I'd say choose the
latter" - no offence at all. Being the generous-minded chap that I
am, I don't don't that you could quite possibly be an accomplished
I call myself a cook rather than a chef, and I like what I prepare,
even if it's not always to everyone elese's goût. Anyway, as
Gintullius Caminscus the Elder said: « De gustibus non est
disputandum.» ("De gustos no hay nada escrito.")