On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:43:46 -0600, frohe wrote:
> ceed wrote:
>> Living in Texas makes you not expect to much rain, but this spring and
>> summer we've had a lot! So I made the mistake of leaving a few bags
>> of lump out in the rain. It got soaking wet. Can I just dry it in the
>> garage and use it, or will the rain have done something to it making
>> it unsuitable for use? I suspect I will be able to use it, but before
>> I sacrifice a brisket I want to make sure.
> I'm in Texas too. I've had a few bags of lump get drenched in the past.
> Just let it dry out and use it. You'll be fine.
> -frohe
Thank you for the advice, and a thank to the others who reponded in this
thread. I'll dry it and use it..