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Jessica V. Jessica V. is offline
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Posts: 92
Default Sharpening knives

On Jul 14, 6:53 pm, Sky > wrote:
> Yes, I know GIMF*, but sometimes it's far more responsive to ask a
> question here than to let my fingers do the searching.
> Anywho, my question about sharpening knives regards one of those
> circular sharpeners (is there a formal name for this 'thing'?)
> frequently found with sets of knives that include wooden storage
> blocks. Which way to I draw the knife along that circular sharpener.
> Do I pull the knife blade backwards up along the sharpener, or do I push
> it blade first downwards? Either way alternately? Not sure how to
> describe what I mean, and I hope I make sense. TIA.
> Sky
> *GIMF = Google is my friend
> "The only thing you get to keep is what you give away" - Willie Nelson

It's called a sharpening steel, I tend to pull up while drawing the
knife back to tip across the steel. A steel is good for maintenance
but not the best with a knife that is really dull. More often than
not I seem to prefer a good old fashioned whetstone. Among my handy
dandy bookmarks I have
pretty good knife sharpening 101 instructions, they do a better job
explaining with text and photos that I could do.
